Zsuzsanna Sinkovits's ceramic works showcase her passion for nature, as she primarily employs local rocks as the raw material for glazes. She seamlessly blends design-driven planning with traditional ceramic techniques in her pieces. From limited edition porcelain objects to everyday ceramics, she strives to infuse each creation with a unique and experimental voice.
Moholy- Nagy University of Arts, Budapest | Design Institute | Ceramic design MA
Moholy- Nagy University of Arts, Budapest | Design Institute | Ceramic design BA
Tömörkeny István High School and Art Secondary School, Szeged | Ceramic OKJ
Scholarships | Recognitions
Hungarian Design Award | Student category | Hungarian Design Council Special Award
7. Art Hungry Award | Design category | II. place
Wartha Vince Diploma Award | WarthaVince Ceramic Art Foundation
Scholarship for the Nation's Young Talents
Rector's Diploma Award | Moholy-Nagy University of Arts
National Biennale of Ceramic Art, Pécs | student category 1st place
Franz Rising Star International Porcelain Design Scholarship II. | Taiwan
City of Szeged Undergraduate Art Scholarship
Franz Rising Star NInternational Porcelain Design Scholarship I. | Taiwan
Selected group exhibitions
360 Design Budapest | Whale, Budapest
FISE 40 | B32 Gallery, Budapest
Reflections art and applied arts exhibition | Castle Captain's Residence, Gödöllő
Common square - II. National Salon of Industrial and Design Arts | Art Gallery, Budapest
Best in Design | Zlin Design Week | Zlin, Czech Republic
MOME Snapshot | National Academy of Arts, Sofia, Bulgaria
Huncompromising Design | Kiscelli Museum, Budapest
Nature | János Tornyai Museum, Hódmezővásárhely
New Standards | Design Week opening exhibition | Société, Budapest
Offline | Diploma exhibition | FUGA, Budapest
Social Futures | Social Design Network, MOME HUB, Budapest
Herend Kortárs | Herend Porcelain Museum, Herend
Fragile | MÜT Gallery, Budapest
Ceramic Europas | 14th Westerwaldpreis, Keramikmuseum Westerwald, Germany
Fresh FIShEs 11 | New members - Association of Young Industrial Artists | FISE Gallery, Budapest
Start - Elemental Design | Design Week opening exhibition | Artus Gallery, Budapest
Balaton Express | Mono Gallery, Budapest
Lights Lights Lights | Clause 13, Budapest Design Week
The table! To the table! | Artus Gallery, Budapest Design Week
The ceramic lamp | 15th International Ceramic Biennale, Carouge, Switzerland
Kecskemét Ceramics Symposium | International Kecsekemét Ceramics Studio
XXIV. Fair ceramics Symposium | János Tornyai Museum, Hódmezővásárhely